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Song of the Sea book cover showing title and author  against a background o thesea
photo of author, Mya Roberts

Once upon a time
I crossed the Atlantic Ocean and discovered
an amazing story

Something of me

My early education wasn’t as inspiring as it might have been. In fact, I left school when I was still a child (though, like most sixteen year olds, I didn’t know that at the time).

My personal highlights were: working in a library (I really loved being surrounded by all those books), working in the city of London (which felt like a very fashionable thing to do), working with a children’s theatre group (I’ve always loved the theatre), having two amazing children, gaining my Licentiate Diploma with the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (well I never, not so thick after all), teaching drama in schools (such a rewarding time), gaining a university place and (eventually) a degree (brain still there, and still functioning), working as a social worker and counsellor, moving to Guernsey in the Channel Islands, marrying a wonderful man and a wonderful Island.

All this, AND I get my debut novel published!


So, what's it all about?

Song of the Sea covers the period from 1775 to 1825. Elise Galliard travels across the world in the name of love and adventure. Her quest provides joy and terror, pain and love, and so much more.

The story opens on the Channel Islands of Guernsey and Jersey and continues on board the brig St Brelade where we follow her eventful journey to Jerseyman Island in the Maritime Province of Nova Scotia, Canada, and beyond. 


“With its vivid descriptions and roller coaster of emotions and hardships, from fear, cold, mosquitoes, fish, beauty, passion, loss and fulfillment, it is Elise’s spirit and determination to live the best life she can that makes this novel such a page-turner.

Elise’s story of love and tragedy stays with the reader long after its last page, as do the descriptions of Nova Scotia.” Susan Marchand-Terrio, Executive Director, Isle Madame Historical Society.

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Today’s quote from Song of the Sea is: “The sea drenched everyone and everything. The salt-thick air heaved with the noise of ropes and canvas that beat and cracked, writhed and fidgeted against the masts and spars. The clamour filled her head until she thought she would lose her mind.” The photo is of the swirling sea in Nova Scotia.
Because of its black plumage, croaking call, and diet of carrion, the raven is often   associated with loss and ill omen. Yet its symbolism is complex. The raven also  represents prophecy and insight. Ravens in stories often connect the material world with the world of spirits. A flock of ravens is known an unkindness.
How to describe the horror of being shut in with rats that scurry back and forth as though they owned the ship? Of being deprived of fresh air and natural light for great stretches of time? Of being pitched about in a tiny dark box of a cabin until the senses become so confused that one cannot tell between the rising and falling of the ship?
this is a close up of a spruce tree. The text reads: Spruce beer is a beverage flavoured with the buds, needles, or essence of spruce trees. Spruce has been a traditional flavouring ingredient throughout the upper latitude of the Northern Hemisphere where it Is found, often substituting for ingredients otherwise not available, such as hops.
The image is of a sunl;it garden seen through a wrought iron gate. The text reads:  How is it possible to feel such fear and sorrow, and such longing and happiness, all at the same time?  From “Song of the Sea”.How is it possible to feel such fear and sorrow, and such longing and happiness, all at the same time?  From “Song of the Sea”.
An image of a Mi'kmaq canoe inspired by Son of the Sea
A photo of a wild and rocky shore with text: The St Brelade nudged around to the leeward side of this narrow island and she caught her breath.  From "Song of the Sea"
An image of a muscet with the text: She’d raised the weapon, rested it against her shoulder and eased the trigger towards herself.
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